Use These Useful Suggestions to Help Manage a Depressive Episode

People who begin treatment for depression as soon as the first symptoms appear to have a better chance of making a speedier recovery. Even people who have struggled with depression…

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How Can I Tell if I Am Experiencing Symptoms of Depression? 

Depression is a major mental disease that has the potential to make a person’s life significantly more difficult. It is characterized by persistent and intense feelings of melancholy and helplessness,…

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How to Distinguish Depression and Sadness

Sadness and depression are common emotions that affect the lives of millions of people all over the world at some time during their lives. Nevertheless, a person who can process…

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Identify and Alleviate the Crippling Effects of Anxiety

Anxiety is characterized by a sensation of unease, worry, or nervousness, typically in response to a specific upcoming event or circumstance whose outcome is unknown. Every person will, at some…

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How to Improve Your Health in Different Ways 

Have you heard that practicing yoga can help improve your overall health by reducing your levels of anxiety and enhancing your immune system? That being said, if you can jump…

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The Trenches of Entrepreneurship Can Teach One Invaluable Lessons

Agility The training that we provide on agile leadership has been one of the programs that have seen the highest demand from Fortune 500 companies this year. When you run…

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How to Overcome Anxiety in the Working Environment 

One of the many problems that people in South Africa deal with daily regarding their mental health is experiencing feelings of anxiety while at work. However, despite its prevalence, it…

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The Three Fatal Pitfalls That Frequently Affect Entrepreneurs

When it comes to entrepreneurship, there is no such thing as a cookie-cutter approach, just as there is no such thing in life. These three guidelines will help new business…

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What Exactly Does It Mean to Have High-functioning Anxiety?

High-achievers and people who push themselves beyond their limits are more likely to suffer from high-functioning anxiety. Those who go through it appear to be able to handle it well,…

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